Laantje Voorham ENG

Laantje Voorham

Restaurant Oogst makes use of the biodynamic kitchen garden Laantje Voorham in Wassenaar. Marcel van der Kleijn (owner of restaurant Oogst, Calla's, Tapisco, Goedvolck. and BIT Grill & Cafe) met Arie Voorham, owner of the kitchen garden, a few years ago. By mutual interest they created a unique collaboration. A seeding plan is drawn up every year, whilst Voorham does the upkeep of the crops, the products are used in van der Kleijns restaurants.

Chef Kyan van Bommel and his team work with the vegetables, spices and cress in the varying menu at restaurant Oogst. In season they can be found in the garden every day, to pick fresh products, like tomatoes, salty vegetables, chervil, magnolia and oxalis.